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kiss me
S3 licensed
is it the standar cruise insim? tell me about it
kiss me
S3 licensed
well, i found a bug
if u go to carwash, and get out, the right door is allways open
kiss me
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :name: Niko Puntola
age: 16
country: Finland
playing lfs since: Demo early '06 - S2 Oct '06
server name request: Niko's Racing Server
why you should get a server: Well... I am not really a wealthy person so i cannot afford the prices the server hosts are offering. I have tried to host my own server, but my mates cannot join in because the router ports etc cannot be forwarded by me - only with the admin PC. Usually we just pick a random server but we can't be alone there - we need a server which can be locked and unlocked by any of the admins.

If you would host this server for me - I'd be more than thankful to you.

i did this free server hosting before, niko applied then,now he does it again, wich means he could use it, olso, he is very known on lfs so he wins a server.
kiss me
S3 licensed
Quote from MOSTWANTEDM3 :name:Kiyo Mibu
playing lfs since:October 2006
why you should get a server:most of the drift servers are laggy and are either contained with those who dont have respect or cant drive properly yet. So i wanted to get a server for those who love to drift and dont have to worry about the lag or the rammers or crashers that come in to ruin all the fun. it has been hard for most to find that kind of server. so i would like to be able to help provide to that

patch Y18 ( 15 slot ) + 3 admin slots

well i don't really agree, there are many good drift servers
kiss me
S3 licensed
Quote from piggy501 :Name: Nicholas Hunter
Age: 12 (youngest in the team, leader is 22, never goes on forum here)
Country: Scotland
Playing LFS since: My join date :P, but leader has been playing for 4 years.
Reason: My team, NC, wich I am one of a few admins, has a cruise server. It is becoming fairly big, but we all know how much you guys are against cruises, so we have a plan. It involves this: Many of us "cruisers" would like to race aswell. We would like this to start up a "Race League", which would vary from track to track, car to car. We would all be really grateful if this could happen.

Is it ok if we get a Y18 and 17 slots? With 3 slots for admin?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, on the basis that it is first come, first serve.

tell the cruise server name, i would observate your 'team' members
kiss me
S3 licensed
Quote from mickyc30 :name: Michael Chapman
age: 15
country: Australia
playing lfs since: About 2006
why you should get a server: Because my team, Ridge Racers currently don't have a server and can't afford to pay for one, we would love to have a server to host events, training and general fun on etc, we are a serious racing team and our own server would really boost our reputation, performance etc. We would be extremely greatful if you could, our site is, we were founded by liner32 if thats any consolation
Thanks Heaps,

Y18 15-20 slot +3 admin slots

and where do you race now?
kiss me
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Could i get one?
name: Gerben Bol
age: 14
country: Netherlands
playing lfs since: 2002 (S2 since April 2007)
why you should get a server: because my team and insim deserve one

I do have a layout, on FE4, and i have an insim
Patch Y18 anything more then 20 slots will do (4 admin slots)
My website and forum are in my sig, you will find any info there

looking at your website, you allready own a server, please define
kiss me
S3 licensed
well, i dont host alot of servers for speed,
and with a bit of luck our connection will be upgraded to 20mb/s
kiss me
S3 licensed
so, you want an app that checks the ballast/handicap? and lets you know? should be do-able afaik
duo to my lack of experience i can't do it for you though, i would if i could
kiss me
S3 licensed
i vote +1
it would be cool, to advertise upcoming events etc, but then:
upload to lfsw or so, and that it shows the same on all servers, but it switches, each day or week or so
but that is going to be hard :s
Free servers look inside!
kiss me
S3 licensed
ok you all know, i've used to do free server hosting,
that server went down, because of hardware failure.
the new server is reiable, and only goes down of power goes down in my home.
it has a broadband connection and is on 24/7
i'm giving away server hosting because some people dont have money, or have a great idea but not the chance to work it out.
for now i will host 5 servers.demo, s1 , s2, doesnt matter
number of connections doesnt matter either

fill in the following and post it here
playing lfs since:
why you should get a server:

ok, having no cash is not a reason, its for my team... then i need a link to the site of it, its for a cruise server: then, do you have layout and a insim program?
you know? be reasonable

now hosting:
[KM]Cruise server
Toss Team
Niko's Racing Server
[RR]Team Ridge Racer

people that requested:

still 3 spots open
btw, Y or y18, up to you
for all the other requesters, please tell if you have previous admin experience

EDIT:well, i have a cruise server right, i will start a drift server (with lfslapper) and a race server!
Last edited by kiss me, .
kiss me
S3 licensed
i just get a core.exe missing
looks fun :s
kiss me
S3 licensed
ill do it!
kiss me
S3 licensed
this will save each 5 min,
add this to form1/load
BackUp.Enabled = true;
BackUp.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(BackUp_Elapsed);

Then add this code somewhere in the class, but not in a method.
System.Timers.Timer BackUp = new System.Timers.Timer(300000);

void BackUp_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
foreach (clsConnection C in Connections)
FileInfo.UpdateUserLeave(C.Username, C.Cash, C.Cars);

all this is in
that topic, you dont search... you just copy and paste code
kiss me
S3 licensed
then search, all those problems have a fix!
auto saver for 5 min etc
kiss me
S3 licensed
kordan, learn to use search key my friend, here, there is a code bit, wich lets the players send no more then 75000
kiss me
S3 licensed
well, congrats shaun,
well done.
i think you've did a great job, you should be proud of yourself, for beeing so young...
kiss me
S3 licensed
well, all fixed, allso got 'streetnames'
tomorrow ill do, that if speed += 120
then something wil happen...
but i'm tired
kiss me
S3 licensed
well, copied this code afaik i'm missing some code to make it work
foreach (clsPlayer Ply in Players)
for (int i = (MCI.Info[0].PLID); i < Players.Count; i++)
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton((MCI.Info[i].Speed / 145) + "MPH", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 20, 80, 170, 110, MCI.Info[GetConnIdx(Ply.PlayerID)].PLID, 111, false);
InSim.Send_BTN_CreateButton((MCI.Info[i].Speed / 91) + "KM/H", Flags.ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, 5, 20, 85, 170, 112, MCI.Info[GetConnIdx(Ply.PlayerID)].PLID, 113, false);

this is just to make the speed appear,
alltho, any button i make with MCI, doesnt appear, no error
kiss me
S3 licensed
well for the case, thats what i'll do,
the case wont be delivered to belgium till the 19'th
and i'll buy just the case etc like you said
kiss me
S3 licensed
i'll do a square on the pits, if your in there, then pit is 50€ if not in there then 300€ for ex.
just need to know how to detect when a player pits
kiss me
S3 licensed
i thought lfsworld gave a reason why it couldnt upload a skin
kiss me
S3 licensed
Quote from mcgas001 :I have also just seen a weird bug in the hosts list. See pic, Theres 2 of one server, I clicked the "?" and both of them lit up.

[STC] Kyoto Cruise

i had this too, strangly it was my server that showed up twice
kiss me
S3 licensed
what error does it give?
kiss me
S3 licensed
well i"m still working on that. for now they dont loose cash if they just go in pit, but i will give you that code soon